Tempo Tango
Developed using React.js, HTML, CSS, JS, and Spotify API
Built a web app for mobile devices that allows DJs to train their tempo matching skills
Used Spotify API for song previews and to grab song tempos
Developed using C++ and QT GUI for Android based Smart Fridges
Learned QT GUI to build a simple GUI for Android smart fridges to input groceries and their expiration dates
Displayed all of the grocery items sorted by soonest to expired and highlighted expired
items in red with the ability to delete items as they were consumed or thrown away
Developed using Python, Spotify API, and Discord API for Discord Servers
Took advantage of Discord API to use Discord as a shared interface
Used Spotify API to control speaker with user suggested songs via voting system
UCD Daily Digest
Developed using Python, WeatherNow
API, TextNow API, webscraping and was run continuously on a Raspberry PI
for SMS-enabled devices
Sent automated daily texts containing motivational quotes, weather, jokes, and UC Davis dining hall menu sent via TextNow API
Utilized BeautifulSoup to webscrape dining hall menus
Stored user profiles on machine with custom options for bot
Developed using SwiftUI for iOS and iPadOS Devices
Created to-do list app with ability to add and remove items, or mark them as complete
Added feature to add notes to to-do list item
Aggie Tracker
Developed using Python, SwiftUI, MongoDB, and webscraping, for iOS and iPadOS Devices
Used SwiftUI to create iPhone app that allowed users to track macro values
Webscraped UC Davis dining hall menu items directly into MongoDB once a week
Pulled macro values from MongoDB to app to avoid constant webscraping